PostgreSQL 17 features I am most waiting for

I won’t be able to attend Magnus’ talk at PG Day Chicago because it is scheduled at the same time as my talk, but fortunately, I attended his talk at SCaLe. There are several features I am really excited about, and I can’t wait to start using them!

  1. Event trigger on login. Yes, yes, I know, Magnus told us it’s a footgun, but I promise, I know how to use it safely! I have so many potential usages!!!
  2. Error handling in COPY. Since I started my new development with pgBadger, my biggest fear is that if just one record is somehow wrong, the whole file won’t load, and I can’t do anything with that – except for that now I can!!!
  3. PgChangePassword!!! I have security-defined functions to handle that because what could be more natural than giving the user an option to change their own password?! Well… except for that, way too often, there is one user for the whole department… but we will address it later!
  4. Redundant NOT NULL removal – that’s great!!! Such a time-saver! And again, what can be ore natural?!
  5. Self-join removal!!! I can’t even tell how many times I fought with this problem starting from my Sybase days and all the way through my Oracle days! How many times I had to explain this “magic” to people! And now, finally, I will be able to remove this explanation from our performance book!
  6. You might think that my favorite feature is the temporal primary key – well, it is; however, I have already started to worry about what’s next. The temporal PK is implemented just as it should be, but what I see in the future code temporal foreign key makes me worried. And nobody answers my concerns, so I do not know how loud I should scream!

Summary: if you didn’t hear this talk yet, please go to this talk at PGDay Chicago – I will be happy to lose this competition :))


Filed under news, SQL, talks

4 responses to “PostgreSQL 17 features I am most waiting for

  1. holgerjakobs

    Where is the link to the mentioned “talk at PGDay Chicago”?

  2. Andreas Karlsson

    Sadly self-join removal was reverted. Not because the feature isn’t wanted but because the patch was not in good enough shape yet.

  3. Hettie D.

    Yes, I saw this discussion. I am not heartbroken over it because it’s “nice to have” but not vital:), and I can even understand the worry about “people becoming lazy “:)

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